Blistered PipesBlistered, cracked and leaking main drain. This type of older plumbing is susceptible to eventual failure. This problem was not hard to...
I Crawl All The Way Under The HouseI don't just peek in the crawl space and make a good guess: When safe, I physically get in, crawl through, observe and report. In this...
Fire HazardThese wire connections are not secured in a junction box. Not only that, but these wires are up against the flammable paper backing of...
No caulkThere was a 1/4" gap that was never caulked or sealed. Water could get down behind the walls creating bigger problems after a while....
Looks Like NewI had to research this gas forced hot air furnace to determine it is actually 11 years old. It looked brand new.
Sprinkler SystemsFound an abandoned sprinkler system yesterday. A properly maintained system, with annual maintenance, is important. A well maintained...
Unexpected TattooIt got me. A surprise hot unprotected wire gave me a tattoo on the back of my arm today. Keep your family safe. Call me for your next...